Mr. Tahir Ahmad Batt
Central Library GCET

The Library of Government College of Engineering and Technology, Safapora (GCET Library) was established in the year 2018 with the establishment of the College. The Library has a collection of 4367 books and is continuously increasing. The books are related to different branches of engineering like civil, mechanical, biomedical, electrical, electronics and computer Science. The library offers book services to its users which include students, faculty members and other staff members of the college. Duration and number of books that users can avail on loan varies amongst different type of users.


Staff of Central Library GCET

Dr. Mudasir AshrafLibrarainPh.Dmudasirgcetk@gmail.com9596411884
Mr. Syed Mudasir AhmadLibrary AssistantPGsmudasir7775@gmail.com9797142705



[acc_item title=”Visiting Hours”]
The library remains open for all working days.
10 AM TO 4 PM (summer)
10:30 AM TO 4 PM (winter)

[acc_item title=”Rules & Regulations”]

1. The Library follows an open access system.
2. The Library card must always be borne by student and produced on demand.
3. Library books will be issued only on production of Library Card.
4. If the card is lost, fresh card will be issued on payment of rupees fifty and affidavit.
5. Books are issued for fifteen days only. A fine of rupees one will be charged for each day the book kept over time.
6. No NDC will be issued unless card is surrendered to the authorities.
7. Library is following Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (000 – 999) for the shelf arrangement of books.
8. While entering the library, readers should leave their personal belongings, such as bags, brief-cases, personal books and parcels near the counter reserved for this purpose. However, they can carry loose papers, note books and Laptop (without bag).
9. Switch off your mobiles while entering the library.
10. Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. Books should be left on the reading table after use.
11. Readers should maintain peace in the library and should not disturb other users in any way.
12. Smoking and eatable items are strictly prohibited.
13.Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine reading material their personal belongings.
14. Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library material in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the material.
15. Change in Department, Contact Number, Address etc. should be informed.
[acc_item title=”Schedule”][/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Notice”]Link[/acc_item]